We are currently vacant & searching for a pastor
United Presbyterian Church, Boyden, Iowa
Half Time Pastor Position
ECO Pastor:
1. Can be Ordained, CLP, or Transitional Pastor.
2. Must believe that the Bible is the infallible Word of God.
3. Must adhere to the Essential Tenants.
1. Preach on Sundays.
2. Administer sacraments; perform funerals, pre-marital classes, confirmation and new member classes.
3. Spend one day a week in the office.
4. Visit the shut ins once a month, do hospital visits as needed, be on call unless on vacation.
5. Be involved with the Boyden Association of Churches, Awana, in joint church services, and other community activities.
6. Be responsible for supervising part time paid staff.
7. Will be encouraged to attend Presbytery meetings, ECO National Gatherings, and ECO Synod meetings.
Financial Package:
1. Salary of $40,000.00 to be divided as Pastor wishes.
2. Manse Available.
3. Seven weeks of vacation.
4. One week of Study Leave.
5. $500.00 for Continuing Education.
6. $200.00 Book Expense.
7. Reimbursements for attending Presbytery and Synod Meetings.
Goals for new pastor:
1. Church Outreach in the community.
2. Start new Bible Studies.